The one common denominator between all businesses that I know have tried a newer marketing approach and failed, is lack of diversity. What I mean is that most small businesses are hesitant to try the newer marketing techniques because they would rather pay for a yellow pages ad like they did for 25+ years before. Why would they rather pay for the yellow pages ad? Because that's what they have always done. Most of the time there is no other reason. Small businesses do not like change. This resistance toward change is what is ultimately hurting their ROI of the newer media. Why? Well most of them don't want to invest very much into something new. They may have some Adwords ads or hire a social media management team for only one account. Maybe they run Facebook ads instead, but never have I seen one company locally embrace all of these. Just one of the avenues I mentioned may have some effect on its own, but to achieve truly great results they must embrace many if not all of the available new media. Social media has the power to create empires. We have already seen this. But small businesses don't want to believe it. I have heard that in the 80s and even the 90s you weren't "in" business unless you had a business card. Then in the 2000s, you weren't "in" business unless you had a website. Now, you are not "in" business unless you have a social media presence across multiple platforms.
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